20 September, 2014

Not Quite Pale Ale

Nothing like a good cigarette after a stressful situation. Of course, cigarettes are bad for you. But, then again, so are stressful situations.

This not quite Pale Ale from Burlington, VT is pretty good HI#9. Going down just fine.

You know, they say that alcohol is bad for you, too. But I say, “Live Free or Die,” baby.

Isn't that Vermont's slogan? Wait one second. No, I think it's New Hampshire's, actually. What's Vermont's slogan? Something about maple syrup, probably. The Maple State? Mmm mmm yum. Maple syrup.

Maple syrup's not bad for you. Unless you have the diabetes. But if you already have it – the maple syrup – go crazy!

This not quite Pale Ale is almost the color of maple syrup. Sort of. It's not about particulars. I flat out wish I had some maple syrup right now. But life is good and we're still alive. And that's that. Right?

And anyway, after beer and cigarettes, who can afford maple syrup?

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